The Worship at Home Service will be updated on Mondays.

Worship At Home

Recorded Full Worship Services 

links below: 

9th Sunday after Pentecost              07/21/24 "The Preface"  (Audio only)

8th Sunday after Pentecost              07/14/24 “The Sermon” 2 Timothy 4:1-4

7th Sunday after Pentecost              07/07/24 "Prayer"

6th Sunday after Pentecost              06/30/24 "The Creed"

5th Sunday after Pentecost              06/23/24 “The Readings” John 6:68-69

4th Sunday after Pentecost              06/16/24 “Kyrie Eleison, Gloria in Excelsis Deo” Ps 51:1, Luke 2:14

3rd Sunday after Pentecost              06/09/24 “Introit” Psalm 28:6

2nd Sunday after Pentecost              06/02/24 “Confession and Absolution” 1 John 1:8-9

The Holy Trinity                                  05/26/24 "Invocation" Matthew 28:19-20

The Ascension of Our Lord               05/12/24 “He put all things under his feet” Ephesians 1:15–23

6th Sunday of Easter                         05/05/24 “Weight Lifting” 1 John 5:1–8

5th Sunday of Easter                         04/28/24 “What is Love?” 1 John 4:1–21

4th Sunday of Easter                         04/21/24 “What’s Your Purpose” 1 John 3:16–24

2nd Sunday of Easter                        04/07/24 “The Light” 1 John 1:1—2:2

Resurrection Sunday /                       03/31/24 “Of First Importance” 1 Corinthians 15:1–11

Easter Sunday                 

Good Friday                                        03/29/24 "Wood"

Maundy Thursday                               03/28/24 "Blood"

Palm Sunday/                                      03/24/24 “Are We There Yet?” Philippians 2:5–11

Sunday of The Passion                       

5th Midweek in Lent                            03/20/24 "Palms"

5th Sunday in Lent                              03/17/24 “A New Covenant” Jeremiah 31:31–34

4th Midweek in Lent                            03/13/24 "Bread"

4th Sunday in Lent                              03/10/24 “So What?” Numbers 21:4–9

3rd Midweek in Lent                            03/06/24 "Darkness and Light"

3rd Sunday in Lent                              03/03/24 “Which Came First” Exodus 20:1–17

2nd Midweek in Lent                           02/28/24 "Water"

2nd Sunday in Lent                             02/25/24 "What's in a name?" Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

1st Midweek in Lent                            02/21/24 "Salt"

1st Sunday in Lent                              02/18/23 “God Will Provide a Lamb” Genesis 22:1–18

Ash Wednesday                                  02/14/24 "Ashes"

4th Sunday after the Epiphany          01/28/24 “War of the Worlds” Mark 1:21-28

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany          01/21/24 "How Did You Come to Know Christ?" Mark 1:14–20

2nd Sunday after The Epiphany        01/14/24 “Come and See” John 1:43–51

The Epiphany of Our Lord                 01/06/24 “A King for You, Too” Matthew 2:1–12


